Food Blogs

This twisted group is going to protest the Vtech funerals because aparently Cho was sent by God to punish America for their outspoken diapproval of the group - claiming that of course it must be so, because God was certainly not sleeping last monday.
The shooter's creepiness is now coming out and everyone is a monday morning quarterback. Cho was obviously a deeply disturbed kid with social problems. His plays reek of anger and he seems completely emotionally stunted to the level of a 13 year old. Since I am fascinated by murderors and generally evil people I've been reading all the junk out there about him. His roommates told disturbing stories abouthis behaviour and even called the police on him at one point because they were worried he was suicidal.
Last night I was coming back from Volleyball at about 1am - and yes, I am tired today. Upon getting in my car I turned on the parking lights so I could see my stereo, and put in a language speaking tape. Then I made the classic mistake of forgetting to turn on my regular lights.
I know we haven't met, but I don't want to be an ant. You know?
When I wake up in the morning, I generally like something quiet in the back ground while I get ready. I prefer KBCO but since I have no radio or internet in my room I usually settle for TV. In the morning, MTV actually plays vidieos, there the same ones over and over again, but since that's the only place I'll ever hear those songs I can deal with it. Currently, they're totally overplaying the new Timperlake video with the way to beautiful for the world to ever be a fair place Scarlet Johanson - which is way too long a video and not even a decent song but I digress. Instead of hitting "66" this morning, I accidentally hit "6" and the tv took me to a cartoon.
I've been spending a lot of time on craigslist rants and raves - lotta angry people out there - and so much hate. I don't know why people spend their days posting rants about how much they hate mexicans, fat people, gay people, republicans, democrats.....blah blah blah. Some of the posts are so mean and dirty. Then there's the ones that have normal titles but you click on it only to find a pic of a prolapsed recturm or something. What's wrong with you people?
So I have an email constructed to my father about something he did yesterday that hurt my feelings. To send? or not to send? It usually makes me feel better just to write something down, even if no one ever reads it.
Yesterday was just one of those days. It should have been much better as I knew I was going to be hanging out with family and Gus. But it started out with a bang and I was upset before brunch. While in MX with Gus's family, I was asked to leave the family picture, in a round about way. Which was fine I guess - I ended up being the one to take it. And hey it's all family...But what do I see in the basement of Gus's parents' house? A family picture with Gus and the ex canoodling and looking too happy for my taste. It really hurt my feelings - I know it's petty but I couldn't help it. Then one thing after another and everything bugged me or hurt me....for the rest of the day.
Opening day was so much fun. It was a gorgeous day to be off, and a nice tradition to attend. I was in such a good mood that I didn't even mind the complete @ss rape that is pricing at baseball stadiums. I also had a hot dog - my first in years that wasn't of tofu or turkey and it was so good. Can you get into the stadium just to buy a dog? Would that be taking it too far?