chinchilla on the loose

Friday, August 31, 2007

Attention All...........


Macy's is having their labor day sale - it already started - 50% off all shoes that were clearanced at 40% off already. That's 70% off if my SAT math is correct? I got really cute shoes! For next season...but that's the way to do it. I wouldn't call myself cheap - but thrifty??????

Ugh.........cute shoes.....why don't guys get it???

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Flip Side

On the other hand - I'm always wondering where all these places are that are better than this that people keep disappearing to - every time some one quits. While working for yourself on your passion is a great reason to quit, sometimes I'm reminded that I have it pretty good after all.

Recently, a very sweet, pretty, and bodacious girl quit here to go to do sales for a bike company - but someone - my former boss actually - supposedly saw her dancing at the local "Gentlemen's" club.

The sad thing is that she probably makes a lot more than I do - and so she should. I didn't even know strippers could be that gorgeous - every one I ever knew had a stretched out stomach and bad hair. I'm still glad I don't have to take my clothes off for money.


It's noon on a Monday. I'm technically halfway done with my day. It's totally one of THOSE Mondays. My coworker, not one I was particularly fond of quit and is working for herself making baby accessories. I found this out today because my email to her bounced back. I know, I know, there's a lot of risk involved and all that but I can't help but be a little jealous. Mostly just all that dream life BS that I'm always rambling about...

So the best thing about my day today? My doctor's appointment at 2pm. Yup, it's one of those ones. Any day that involves feet in stirrups just rocks my effing world.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Living the Dream

So I promised to speculate on my perfect life - in a perfect world......

In my perfect life, I am living in Hawaii with Gus and Bishalish and maybe some other puppies. We live by the beach and I own a sushi restaurant. It has a beach side bar and I'm a good boss - and my employees love me. I spend my free time swimming with Bish and Gus, snorkeling, biking down volcanoes and sitting on the beach with mojitos. Gus and I travel a lot - especially since he's a pro poker player and has to go to poker games all over the world.

Reality does not allow for this dream life - that's why I'm not living it! And I'm not sure I'll ever get to live it. My student loans make it impossible to even consider having the capital to start a restaurant. Bish would have to go into HI quarantine for up to 3 months - and I could never do that to him!

But the more I thought about it the more I realized that I'm doing the best I can. I may not own my own sushi restaurant, but my job is relatively stress free and pays decently, and I can afford to go out for sushi once in a while - especially Happy Hour. I don't live by the ocean but make every effort to get to the local beach with a cocktail and my two favorite boys. And in the winter I get up to skiing as much as possible. I can't really do much more than this, but I'm happy and I like my life right now - and maybe some day I'll get closer.

For now, it's beers and sandwiches at the local reservoir, with Gus and the ball fetching crackhead. Cheers.

Faking It

Sex and the City teaches that fake purse does not a proud woman make - but it's soooooo cute!

My dad went to China on business. There he knows a market area where you can get designer purses dirt cheap - Prada, Vuitton, name it. However, the purse he bought me this last time - after doing some research I found out is fake. Can I still use it? I'm torn.

On the one hand, the differences are tiny and mostly cosmetic. The materials seem to be the same strong Luis Vuitton leather that lasts forever. On the other hand, anyone who's researched it would be able to look at it and tell it's a fake by a tiny detail. And do I want to be judged like that?

I'm not sure what to do.....I also don't want to leave a gift abandoned and unused.

I guess an important question - since it's not a real Luis Vuitton, is "would I still sport it if it didn't have the designer name attached to it?" Because otherwise, I'm sporting it for the name, when it's not even really that name.

But it's sooooo effing cute. I'm torn.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Where Do Dead Birds Go?

No seriously, they're everywhere and it's rare I see a dead bird. And then most are road kill. I must assume that some drop dead in the middle of flying, like people having heart attacks during sex - but I never seen no dead bird falling out of the sky. WHERE DO THEY GO????

So I'm sitting here gnawing on my fingernails. I done good. I got a hotel that's 100 feet from the starting line so Gus could pretty much roll out of bed for the marathon. I'm sitting in a quaint mountain town hotel room that has a pool, outdoor hot tub, and in room jacuzzi for when he's done with his tired feet. I've been up since 430am so I hope I can stay up late tonight and give him lotsa attention........and how long will he stay up anyway? This place even has an old dog that sits outside and lets you pet her - Angel - they say she's only 3 but I don't believe it. She barely moves. I miss bishalishous.

I walked to the finish line this morning, which I was told was a mile away. In fashionable flip flops I wasn't really feeling it, but I figured if my baby is running 24 miles this morning, I can walk a mile for him and figure out where I'll find him later. Shortest mile I ever walked. The friendly stranger has no sense of distance. The town is so cute. I walked around and window shopped - literally, because everything was closed. Considering this is one of the biggest accomplishments in Gus's life, I'd really like to get him something here, but I saw nothing that really represented him, this accomplishment, or us...........yeah, he already got a free shirt with the marathon package. I don't like to get people useless crap and I know I have a lot of it and most people I know have a lot of it so I'm not going to get anything unless I feel it in my heart........but I sooooooooooooo want to find something! Any ideas anyone?

The closest I found was a sign - "Plan for the future - Buy Two Cases of Beer". Ugh - gift shops.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another Thing I've Learned

I watched Spanglish for the second time on Sunday. It might seem like a chic flick but it's a really good movie, with plenty of eye candy for both the girls and the penis bearers. Despite the fact that I hate to see the beautiful Tea Leoni villified - highly recommend it. So what life lesson does this movie reinforce? Among others --- never, NEVER, hire a hot nanny, housekeeper, or cook - never hire hot help.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Playing Hooky

I took the day off yesterday to go to WaterWorld with Gus and some friends and it was awesome!!!!!!! Started off the day with skipping a workout and breakfast from one of my favorite burrito places - wait no, my favorite. Then made a feast for the Bishop who turned 4! He definitely enjoyed it but threw up later. The second time in a couple of days - and for some reason he's enjoying puking on my comforter. That's ok, it's getting cleaned a lot.

WaterWorld was packed even though it was a weekday. This was probably because it was super hot, and sunny, and school is starting back up next week for most kids. I'd say the highlight of it was my favorite ride - Storm - and laying down in the wavepool trying to avoid having the wave toss me around. Also, finally got to do the Lazy River of urine and annoying kids - which was relaxing when the kids stfu........

Then a great episode of Friends was on while Gus napped - he really should be a professional sleeper. I made a vodka tonic and got ready for dinner.

At dinner I ordered a new favorite, and came in second in the NTN Trivia - ; ) We went home and watched some SATC before passing out.

Overall....a perfect day. Didn't even remember that I lost my cell phone on Wednesday night. We should all play hooky more often.

Monday, August 06, 2007

An Unexamined Life?

Life is good. But it could be better.

On friday night I went to first friday art walk after a few stiff drinks with some friends. We somehow fit 6 people in one sedan cab with our cubs full of vodka tonic. It would have been a cop nightmare for the cab if we had caught the attention of any authorities.

It was a really fun crowd, even though my friends new a lot more about art, and dropped all kinds of terms and I felt a little too dumb to comment on some peices, or ebarrassed to say I liked the ones they had already ripped apart - which seemed like it was all the time. During the course of the night, one of my friends had much to drink and bought a framed photograph of a can of sardines for $125 which I really hope he didn't regret the next day ; ) He also told me that it's his life goal to by the age of 40 have a home full of originals. But what stuck with me most was when he said that his dream profession if he could be doing anything and living his dream life would be being an art consultant.

There are many reasons why this struck me as interesting....the main one was that when I thought about it I realized that I had no idea what my dream life would be....let alone how I might go about trying to acheive it. And the more I thought about it the more this bugged me. How many of us are not living our dream lives? And why aren't we? Shouldn't that seem really sad to us?

I mean I was born very lucky in a place where you can basically acheive your dreams so I have no excuse. I never screwed up permanently - yet, knock on wood - by doing something like getting pregnant or committing homicide over a pair of cute wedges. And life is short and we only get one - shouldn't it be our dream life? I don't want to die knowing that I wasted my one chance. be continued.........with some more things figured out I hope.........

I Resolve

I am a binge drinker - very different from an alcoholic but not good either. When the man I thought was going to be the love of my life was turning me into a WOW widow, and then left me I drank to deal with it and to be able to fall asleep alone after crying. Shortly after I started dating a full blown alke and that didn't help things. And now I have a sleeping problem and have trouble falling asleep next to someone even if I'm in love. It was the worst with Gus - at first I think because I was excited and antsy.

And lastly, I'm a hedonist. While I don't get addicted to things and don't have an addicgtive personality - I over do everything I like. I can't not go for the last sushi piece, can't leave for work on time and not enjoy that one more minute with bishop or Gus in bed, and can't say no to the next drink. I used to do it with food, but it was a loooooong time weaning and changing myslelf there - sushi is too healthy and it doesn't count = ). If I did it once, I can do it again.

I'm no ball of sunshine every day. And while I have never believed that alcohol is a truth serum - I think it's an exaggerator. So something that might have popped in and out of your head like an evil thought, a strong feeling of love, or paranoia will hang around and become a subject of passion and dwelling. This is causing me to pick fights with someone who is always awesome and in a good mood and trying to make my life easier - Gus.

I'm making a mid year resolution tonight to cut down on drinking, and stop fighting with Gus - no more. I know fights will still happen because I'm not the kind of easy going person that will never get upset about anything, but the pointless fights need to stop. He doesn't deserve it - I am sitting writing this while my favorite flowers are sitting on my desk smelling sweetly and reminding me how great he is. And if I can't cut down then I'm out of control and will stop for a while. See how it goes.