chinchilla on the loose

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The shooter's creepiness is now coming out and everyone is a monday morning quarterback. Cho was obviously a deeply disturbed kid with social problems. His plays reek of anger and he seems completely emotionally stunted to the level of a 13 year old. Since I am fascinated by murderors and generally evil people I've been reading all the junk out there about him. His roommates told disturbing stories abouthis behaviour and even called the police on him at one point because they were worried he was suicidal.

Now everyone is saying - we all should have known! Why didn't they put the school on lock down! Why was this kid out and walking around when he was so creepy! Why don't schools have more security! How can I send my kids to college now! All the same stuff as we heard after Columbine.

This stuff is going to happen, tragically.

So, yeah - out of all the colleges and schools all over the country, and all the students, how many and how often go on shooting sprees? Not that many. More than before - but your kids are more likely to die in a car accident. This freaky kid was an anomaly in society - an extreme, awful, anomaly.

How are you supposed to lock down a campus? They are huge and how can you control 25K students many of whom are probably still high from having watched South Park and waking and baking? If he had really wanted to find someone to kill, he would have found people to kill whether classes were cancelled or not.

And are we supposed to start locking up or controlling all freaky anomalies in society before they do anything wrong? The only thing he legally did wrong was harassing some girls before the shootings - and I don't think I've met a girl in my life that didn't have some guy or two in her past that had some social issues and didn't get the point very easily. He was treated at a mental health facility and they found him well enough to release - so what can you do? Anything else would be an infrinment of rights. All the warning signs were there, but the same people who will be complaining that this guy was roaming around with nothing done are the same that will be complaining 5 weeks from now about bush tapping phones to find terrorists.

Something's gotta give.

But where are this kid's parents? What's up with THAT?


Blogger P said...

Yeah, in retrospect, there were tons of sings and everyone's quick to point out how obvious they were, and why hasn't anyone done anything while there was still time. I think it's in part people coping poorly with the tragedy - someone's got to be responsible and the killer's clearly nuts, so we have to find rational people to blame because they should've known better, their spider sense should have gone off, something. People want to think that this sort of thing is preventable. The other part is that the mainstream media is mainly concerned with the entertainment / shock value of whatever train wreck they're reporting on; critical analysis isn't part of their repertoire, but they have a 24h news day to fill with yammering, so you always get the most visceral, narrow-minded, common-denominator coverage repeated over and over and over again.

10:19 PM  
Blogger HelloBettyLou said...

Good points.

9:24 PM  
Blogger HelloBettyLou said...

And his parents are too scared/embarrassed to come forward. Wouldn't you be?

9:25 PM  
Blogger chinchilla said...

I would be - but I'd feel I owe it to the families of the victims to help explain why. But they also owed it to the shooter to help him when he was younger - and they obviously dropped the ball then - so I'm not surprised they are hiding.

I'm sure he wasn't Jonny Sunshine at home.

10:26 AM  

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