chinchilla on the loose

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sweet Tori

About a month ago I bought tickets to see Tori Amos thinking that hey, I have good seats, if I decide I don't want to go I can always change my mind and sell them. Well, it didn't' sell out and I didn't get on that ball anyway, and I kinda wanted to see her, so Gus was sweet enough to go see an artist he's barely heard of.

Even though I was tired I don't regret it at all. We left in the middle of the encore but it wasn't because it wasn't a good show. This was a different Tori than I listened to a long time ago and I haven't listened to her much since. The Tori I knew seemed less confident, more au naturel, and less happy. This Tori was glamorous, sported cool wigs and was much more confident and fashion forward. The lighting for the show was some of the best lighting I've ever seen. But since I knew almost none of the music, it was kind of like listening to a live CD I've never heard with amazing vocals and the piano as the primary glorious instrument. But I'm not one to listen to a lot of music I don't know, so I could only take so much of it through my tired yawns.

Anyway, thanks for the great show Tori! You sound as good as ever.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

DeBeers Makes Me Want a Beer

Few things about the commercialism of Christmas bug me as much as - the fucking diamond ads. I'm not going to lie, I love receiving jewellery, and every girl and woman does. I used to worry that this was gold diggy or something, but then I realized that I've never bought anything more than sterling silver for myself, and never spent more than $15 I when a guy or family or friends decide to give the gift of bling, I feel spoiled and like they want me to feel spoiled and we should all hope that the people in our lives think we deserve such great treatment.....

So what bugs me so much??? It's the fucking shameless promotion of the idea that diamonds = love. And if he doesn't give you diamonds then he doesn't love you. He might love you actually, but it can't be forever, because only diamonds are forever. Not only are men pressured to spend too much money or feel guilty if they don't, but women all over are pressured to sit gnawing on their ringless fingers with nervousness over whether he loves her, and if so...if it's forever.

Diamond pendants.
Diamond earrings.
Diamond......gasp.....engagement rings.

The amount of money spent on these is ridiculous to me. Do you ever really need an pair of earrings worth $4000? And don't get me started on the engagement rings. If you have an S-ton of money to throw around then why not? right? But most people I know don't.

There was a time when these expensive monstrosities were necessary. When a woman was going to give her whole life up for a man and needed a down payment of sorts to ensure that she wasn't doing this in vain, and to insure herself against the embarrassment of a broken of engagement, or heaven forbid, even divorce.

This all isn't the case anymore. The courts are now fair to the women who've given up career to keep house and raise rug rats. No one would point and jeer when she's walking down the street because she was left before the wedding and call her damaged goods. There just isn't any need for a ring that costs an arm and a leg and a testicle.

The only reason for the engagement ring these days is the symbolism. The purpose of getting married is to start something new together, not to get in debt. Which brings me to my example - Trey and Heather of NC. My ex and I stayed with them for a while before we got our own place with a roommate. Her ring was something like $10K? I"m not sure the exact sum but they were still making payments on it.

They were making payments on it from the beginning of their engagement.
They were making payments on it when they bought a house together.
They were still making payments when they remodelled.
They were still making payments on it when they couldn't make their mortgage.
They were still making payments on it when she cheated on her husband with my roommate.
They were still making payments on it during their divorce.

I don't think I need to say more. I just don't get it.

Monday, November 26, 2007



....another good reason to self medicate....

Self Diagnosis + Beer = Self Medication

So I have Bronchitis. From Wikipedia:

Acute bronchitis usually lasts approximately 20 or 30 days. It may accompany or closely follow a cold or the flu, or may occur on its own. Bronchitis usually begins with a dry cough, including waking the sufferer at night. After a few days it progresses to a wetter or productive cough, which may be accompanied by fever, fatigue, and headache. The fever, fatigue, and malaise may last only a few days; but the wet cough may last up to several weeks.

Good times. I've been sick since the 15th and my pod mate was diagnosed with it, so I think it's pretty safe to assume that this is what I've got - and wiki describes how I've felt to a T. At least it's something that doesn't restrict my going to work.....I can still get out of bed and have some energy, even if it's not as much as normal.

So I probably have about 10 more days of coughing to deal with. And I feel bad for myself, I admit it, I do! But I also feel bad for all the people like Gus and my roommie that have to listen to the dry hacking. And now I probably got Gus sick too.

I know I'm not contagious anymore - but UGH!!!!! I was going to go to the doc's today but aparently, antibiotics don't help, because it's viral not bacterial - so come on everyone, feel bad for me....PLEASE!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Nice to see stereotypes in full throttle. I guess I have to admit though, when I talk to people I adapt to their way of talking; if I'm talking to a pothead, I start to sound lazy, if I'm talking to someone who speaks proper I try to be more careful about my slang. But do blondes really talk different? How can I talk different if I'm just adapting myself to the way other people are talking.

But unfortunately, thanks to Nicole Ritchie, Paris Hilton, Marilyn Monroe, Etc, we assume that they do.

But you can tell that to my electrical engineer momma!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Flowers of the Past Year

......thank you, Gus. I am being spoiled with flowers. This will of course lead to a fight in the future where I am incensed and yelling, "you never bring me flowers any more!" Women, you can't be nice to them without setting yourself up for failure. JK - hopefully.

The sucky thing about flowers, and I've never seen one I didn't like, I that they're pretty for a while, then they die. And I always get sad about the beauty that will not be harnessed except for my memory. So I've gotten in the habit of taking pics. And here they are....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Rough Nite

After a great day in the mountains, during which I started feeling sick, I woke up feeling fully sick. I have some kind of evil cold - sore throat, sore body, sore head and ears - and this was after getting to sleep in on my day off. Yesterday we ignored it, and I caffeined and adviled myself up and pretended it wasn't happening, but there's no pretending now. So much for mind over body...

After an active day, and Gus falling asleep because he has the gift of falling asleep whenever he wants, like a puppy or a kitten, but cuter - 007 called me and I answered. I stayed up way too late talking to him and this didn't help.

He's pretty depressed. In the last week, he's gotten a DUI, and his girlfriend broke up with him. I think if anything the latter might have caused the former but I had a hard time deciding.

I find it amazing that tons of people drink and drive every day, and it's not all bad; some of it is just the I-know-I-might-blow-over-but-I'm-fine-to-drive drinking and driving. Two drinks in two hours is not much for many people...and yet some of these peeps have had to deal with the court fees, the classes and the community service for years just because of bad luck. But 007 has been doing the i-can't-believe-you're-still-alive type of driving for years, and this is the first time he's been caught. Some times I can't believe I got in the car with him but I was pretty depressed when I spent time with him anyway. Maybe I had a bit of a death wish. I'd link to my first blog with him a la Stephanie Klein, but I don't know how.

He got caught because - you know those sticks with the white reflectors on the top when it's dark and there's no lights and there's a turn? - well I guess he drove over 4 or 5 of those? Good thing they weren't children. He has a job that requires him to drive for hours each day, but will have an opportunity to carpool. He's an engineer, so his life isn't over or anything. But he does live in the middle of Nowhere, sister city to Somewhere, and only likes to hang out in Somewhere, but there are no buses between the two.

So while I did my best to make him feel better and agree that the world is against him and evil, because some times that's just what a "friend" needs, I also tried to get him to take some responsibility. So when this happens to a friend, is it wrong to feel a sense of relief because he's kind of been asking for it for years?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

$27 Well Spent

Last night the roommie and her boy-toy and I went to see Swell Season - which is the musical duo that stars in the movie Once. Most people probably haven't seen it, it was great but I don't know if I'd watch it again. It was kinda like watching a 90 minute music video for a bunch of different songs? But yet not for a medley.

Anyway, it was amazing and the singers and music sound absolutely perfect live, better than their recordings - which I think is becoming more and more rare in some of our less talented entertainers. Marketa is the perfect yin to Glenn's yang.

I brought my cd to get it signed and I did!!!!! I'm not a star chaser or anything, but their music touches me, and I figure they're not big enough to be swarmed after the show. I only got to talk to Glenn though. He was extremely cordial to even the wierdos that were showing him pictures of their kids and going on and on. It also struck me how small he was - not much taller than me, at all. People look so big on the screen, and even on stage. And Marketa was even tinyer; I'm sure I have 50 lbs on her. Maybe that's why see our celebrities as "larger than life".

Overall, I was happy to be the third wheel, and thoroughly enjoyed everything. One of my favorite parts of the show was a long violin solo song - my favorite instrument - and I'd love to get my hands on that recording. I wish them all the luck, and a soundtrack Oscar, for shiz.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


in FLANDER'S fields the poppies grow
between the crosses row in row
that mark our place and in the sky
the larks stil bravely singing high
scarce heard
among the dead below

we are the dead
short days ago we lived
felt sunrise saw sunset glow
loved and were loved
and now we lie in FLANDER'S flield

take up our quarrel with our foe
to you the failing hands we throw
the torch
be yours
to hold it high
if ye shall break faith with us how die
we shall not rest
tho poppies blow
in FLANDER'S flields

All Messed Up and Nowhere to GO!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Am I Back?

I don't know. I might be over this whole blogging thing. I still like to read all y'all's, but sometimes I feel like there's nothing going on, and the times I feel most like writing is when I'm unhappy, and it's always about the same old shit. But a lot has gone on in the past month....maybe that's for later tales, but I have learned you're never too old to participate in your first keg stand.....ya delta kappa signa pi - or something....jk.

On Thursday I had the pleasure of attending my friend's studio opening. I'm very happy for her. I met her in college, fine arts major, painting. She's been a starving artist since, and fell on hard times and lost her old studio. She has a new one way out of Boulder (where there are no streetlights or liquor stores) and her work is flourishing again. She's sold all but 2 paintings from the last gallery opening I attended and is very happy in her work. The party was fun, I collaborated on one major painting and did two of my own. was nowhere near the debauchery of a studio opening 4 years ago, because we're all getting old, it was great to see the Boulder peeps.

And although she is full filled and following her dream and I am happy for her, I can't help but be glad that I have a steady job and income. She needs a root canal because she hasn't seen a dentist in many many years, and now she has to pay for it out of her pocket. I get to go to the dentist all the time. There is a price to be paid for following your passion at all costs. And I hate tooth cleanings enough to know I don't ever want a root canal.

I'll try to remember that on Monday when I'm bitter and recovering.