I Challenge you to write yours....
Haven't blogged in a while, but thought it might be fun to do this. Try summing up your life in 6 words. I've got nothing yet - but I want to hear yours. Below is the excerpt from a magazine, and some exapmples.
In the 1920s, Ernest Hemingway bet ten dollars that he could write a complete story in just six words. He wrote: "For Sale: baby shoes, never worn." He won the bet. Now an online magazine is asking its readers to sum up their own lives in just six words.
'For Sale: baby shoes, never worn'
knew I could be happy!Sandra Quigley
Foetus, son, brother, husband, father, vegetable.Dick Hadfield
Head in books, feet in flowers.Heather Thomson
Trust me, I did my best.Ray Kemp
Wrong era ,Wrong Class, Wrong Gender.Patsy Wheatcroft
Love Mountains both ups and downs.Dennis Lee
Wasted my whole life getting comfortable.Richard Merrington
Worry about tomorrow, rarely enjoy today!Richard Rabone
Dazed and confused? No. Existential angst.Chris Miles
Pass the bottle before clarity returns - Gail Edmans
Luckily, never got my first wish.Theo Matoff
Lifetime partner, love, laughs - what now?Peter Elvish
I'm just happy to be here!Graham Marsh
Four Weddings, Three kids, then cancer.Gillian Johnson
Intermitent loves here, there, now, then.Paul Wingett
30 years two girls now branching.Davina Marshall
Not quite finished, tell you later.Dave Nicholson
Really should have been a Lawyer.Gules Fallan
Hasn't Been A Jane Austen Romance.Alexandra Lackey
Bored, so bored, so very bored.John Doyle
Run over twice, thankfully still alive.Trudi Evans
Aged child actress still seeking fame.Doolallydaisy
Married childhood sweetheart. Two kids. Content.Steve McMullen
Born London, lived elsewhere, died inside.PatricPartner,
pension, motorhome, life is good.Bob Lindblom
Some no-balls but several boundaries.Di Attwood
Apple leads to eviction of two.Una McMorran
Unfortunately I didn't buy the t-shirt.Caroline Ryan
Philosopher, fire-eater, barrister, careering through life.Duncan
My life? Six words? God knows.Helen Underwood
Knight on white charger never showed.Jane KirkNo
Any chance I could start again?Sunny TailorLived,
loved, laughed liberally and left.Vince Horsman
Found it, Lost it, Found it.Lucinda Lavelle
Worked all life still paying taxes.John BallBorn,
bred.Work, wed.Dad, dead.Colin Penfold
Tolerant woman took me in hand Colin Bradley
Aspirations compromised by procrastination, then children.Harry Beighton
Started slowly, then dash to line.Richard Draper.
Happy days, sad days, empty days. Richard Smallbone
Too many sausages, not enough sex. Andrew Wilson
Can I start wearing purple yet? Sue Boswell
Trekked to Everest.Married a sherpa. Robert Moore