chinchilla on the loose

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Who Killed Chivalry?

Earlier this week, I got a taste of the death of chivalry. It bugged me a little, but what bugged me more was and is my own hypocrisy. I expect chivalry but not sexism. This sparked a discussion with a good (great) friend of mine who thinks there is nothing wrong with this. But I submit that he is just too nice to either tell me the truth.....or too nice to get pissed off about women doing this. I mean, I'm pretty much saying that women and men should get the same treatment, except for the things that benefit women.

I believe he said that just because the oppressive norms that created chivalry are gone (which they aren't really in a lot of ways, but that's a whole different Oprah) that doesn't mean that the nice things that came from it should be as well. And who's to blame for this? The feminists. While I can see this and agree....I think the laziness of men is also to blame. I have been around the block enough to make some observations. Now relax guys, this is purely on the aggregate, or mean, median, mode type shiz, so I don't want any snippy comments. Men are generally lazy when it comes to relationships and are usually satisfied with the status quo of things ,aside from wanting more sex or food; and if change is going to take place in the relationship requiring more work of any sort, that change will be initiated by the woman.

So feminism gave men an excuse to be lazier and now they are.

I have always considered myself to be a feminist, but I realize now I am not. While I want equal pay for equal work and equal rights, I realize that men and women are not equal. I don't know how I feel about women in the army.

There are enormous differences between the sexes which I think are obvious, and yet I've been attacked for publicly pointing out that women are physically weaker than men - by "feminists". Really? I'd like to see all sports combined to one gender so that no woman would ever win an Olympic gold medal again (well, maybe in figure skating or something), and then we can fucking talk about it!

And the cognitive differences I can't even begin to describe. I don't get men at all, they're ability to drive really long distances, they're love of video games, drive to work too much and die with the most toys, their ability to objectify sex so much, the importance of sports.......blah blah blah....I could go on and on - regardless I respect the differences and believe that they are there for a reason, and don't want to turn men into poetry reading cucumber sandwich loving pansies.

So equal rights are good - but it is little sad to me that our daughters might grow up in a world where the guy doesn't walk on the road side of the sidewalk on a busy street.


Blogger P said...

Our society's nominally a meritocracy, which is in reality ass-full of old prejudices and old-boy networks, and is being spoon-fed a healthy dose of affirmative action on top of that, even though really we're all equally good and don't you dare say anything to the contrary. I don't know what to make any of it, but it doesn't seem like a good state of things.

However... in Victorian London, a proper gentleman, back for a spell from killing and enslaving the inferior races in other parts of the world, would walk on the street-side of the sidewalk while strolling with his lady-friend and this was key. In case you don't know the mystical reasons why, and because I like to ramble... There was no sewage system in London and people would hurl the contents of their chamber pots from the windows above to the gutters in the street (and hence away from the buildings), and it was the job of the proper gentleman's massive ego to shield the lady from the incoming filth.

These days it's not at all fashionable to have a massive ego, or much of an ego at all, and no one throws pooh in the street in most cities anyway, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be there to take that turd and give it a good schoolin' should it come a flyin' in your direction. It's the least a guy can do, even if he doesn't own half of India to make him feel better about things, and I'd gladly do that for you.

12:56 PM  

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