America's Next Top Model on Tonight!!!!!!
Today is National Coming Out Day! It’s also second day in a row on too little sleep. I’d totally go down on a girl right now if the boss let me go home and sleep.
Went out for Jo’s birthday last night. We started out at her apartment and I brought 2 bottles of wine. Six glasses later, I cut both my hands on a wine bottle while trying to get more, reinforcing the point that Yours Truly can’t be trusted to do anything after some wine. Didn’t notice until there was blood all over my hands “Wtf? How did I get salsa on my hands?” Hahaha.
We moved to a bar stumbling distance away where some other people joined up. Drunken random asshole reinforced the point that drunken random assholes at bars should keep to themselves. We were all just sitting around and talking about something, and I’m not sure if it was even provoked, but random drunk asshole comes up to our table and some how starts talking about how there’s no such thing as an “accidental pregnancy, if you know what I mean (wink)…….it’s always the girl’s fault…….” or something like that! WTF?! What are you talking about? Keep your issues to yourself – maybe in your tiny scrotum. We were rude back. He came back later to wish my Jo a Happy Birthday. We asked him to take his creepy self some where far away from us. – But worded MUCH better. Jo, YOU ROCK!
I was supposed to get set up with some one there – not sure if I was.
Jo “I’m not sure if he’ll come tonight, he can be pretty flaky”. If I was interested at all before - not any more.
My brother would be disappointed, because “I should date around as much as possible”. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a “date” except when I’ve asked a bf to take me on one. Is that weird? Not sure if I care for formal dates with people I don’t know. Ick. I’m always the girl that guys ask to do “hang out things” rather than “dates”. Does this mean I’m not girly enough? I’ll start worrying when girls start hitting on me. Or maybe I’ll just finally come out.
Yet another person in my life has come out and said that he didn’t really think the guy (Hymen is his p0rn name) and I had that “meant to be together feel” – my roommate (Floyd) that is. He went on to say that even from the little bit he’s seen, that a new guy I’ve been spending time with lately, seems a lot more my personality type – but THIS, I already know.
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