chinchilla on the loose

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Truth about Cats and Dogs

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canucks!!!! I wish I in bed dreaming of the big meal later. But I am at work. I don’t work in Canada. L

It’s Columbus Day today too. I guess it doesn’t get celebrated any more. Google doesn’t even have a fancy graphic added to their name to celebrate. Does Google not have a little graphic for white people giving the natives disease? Or raping and pillaging?

My dog fell out of the bed this morning – he was sleeping by the edge which he never does, it was awesome! I laughed and laughed………He got back at me by dragging mud on my comforter. That’s ok, might add a little warmth. Like a fine layer of dirt on your Carhartt’s or cowboy garb. It’s impossible to keep my bed clean anyway, and not for all the right reasons.

I wonder if he misses the guy – who knows? I don’t think they really bonded. He’s a cat person. I don’t know if he really understood or liked dogs. I know my dog grew on him, but I always felt like it was “I like him despite him being a dog” not “because he’s a dog”. I don’t want to insult any one, but I also feel like cat people have less love to give, or maybe less left over love to give. I feel that they’re colder or something. So they like cats more, because they’re less of a commitment, and they’re more distant and independent. Or maybe they just choose to give their love to people instead of animals. I have no clue what I’m talking about.

Dog was unusually cuddly all weekend, which is great!

I had a great weekend! It wasn’t one that felt way too short. I got 11 hours of sleep Friday night! Saturday I drank with good people. And yesterday I “heard” some words that I were exactly what I wanted to hear, like someone read my mind! It’s great when that happens. It’s like getting in your car on a cold rainy day, turning the radio on, and hearing the song you’ve been craving to hear. Or waking up on a winter day and finding out the thing you didn’t want to do is cancelled because of snow and you’re free to sit on your couch and eat soup and watch guilty pleasure TV!

Ugh…..back to work.


Blogger HelloBettyLou said...

What about those special few dog and cat people? Hello! More love than most.

11:04 AM  

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