So I get home from Vball - and there's a locust in my hallway. Or what appears to be a locust. It's not doing very well; I think parts of it are missing and it must be on it's road to death. I go online and read to try to find out if it's a Locust, or a Praying Mantis - whatever it is it's huge! It's probably a Locust and turns out they're harmless!
I need to get it out of my dog's way so he doesn't kill it or step on it. I should put it out of it's misery, but I can't kill something that big - scared of the crunch! So I just move it out of the way. Poor thing got moved out of the way in it's last hours by a "Position of the Day" calendar. Sad.
So I'm newly single. Not brand new, this happened over a week ago, almost two. Either way, I won't have a man to count on to move big bugs out of the way, or kill them for me. He still will because we're friends and he's awesome. But I can't count on it, because I don't want to use him, and soon some one will see how wonderful he is, and scoop him up, and she won't appreciate him going to his ex girlfriend's house to kill a bug or remove a broken shot glass from the garbage disposal.
But I have a new haircut! New things are good!!!!!!!!!
Nice to meet you = )
Make the useless roommate move your bugs (does that sound as dirty as I think it does?)
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