chinchilla on the loose

Friday, December 15, 2006

Party #1

Tonight I have a formal party to go to with Gus - it's a work party and I won't know almost anyone there but I'm being optimistic just the same. As much as I love camping and being covered in ash for a day or two or three, or getting my dog's slobber all over my face when I get home, I also enjoy a good excuse to dress up.

Also, I've never been to a formal event at a museum, so I'm curious as to how that goes down and what it would be like.

Also, Gus can't dance (self proclaimed anyway) so i'm wondering if I'll get to dance with anyone. And if so, will it be funny?

I don't like parties much. 99% of me doesn't like parties where I don't know anyone. The only benefit is that you could, if you wanted to, make a total jack ass out of yourself and never see anyone again. This doesn't apply here though. But I 100% want to play the role of the good accompanying girlfriend, so I will make the most of it - cape cod's oncluded.

FYI, a recent study found that 40% of spouses who say their company holiday party is for emoloyees only, no guests, do so because they are either cheating with someone at work, or want to hook up with some one at work.

Gus, seriously, mine is employees only = )


Blogger Gus said...

You'll definitely get a chance to dance babe, I'll be out there dancing with you!!! :-)

10:58 AM  

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