I have recently started listening to Tom Lykes. It’s a very misogynistic show and does a lot for my own healthy sense of mansogyny. I've been listening for two days and have heard the term "fat lazy bitch" way too often.
Even his attempts at accurate advice are ill formed. Take for example, don’t spend any money on impressing girls on a date and don’t go out with a girl for more than three dates without getting some. Reasoning: Women know within 30 seconds of meeting you whether or not you’re fuckable so don't waste the money or effort. This is very true. But just because some one is fuckable, doesn’t mean you’ll immediately fuck them. I for example, try to make it a habit not to fuck anyone I don’t know. You CANNOT get to know someone in three average dates. You can barely get to know some one in a year, but this is why I use the word try. I could pretend to be a virgin but it wouldn’t work.
Wooh! Have to remember there's good ones out there.
Ok, so what really pisses me off about this show is the IQ of women that call in to argue with the unattractive, babbling fool that is TOM. I have a suspicion that the screeners screen out the intelligent women that could possibly hold a flame to his loud, obnoxious and ignorant fart which I wish would light a huge fire and burn his fucking face. Those that do get through cannot formulate a coherent, philosophical argument to save their coochies.
Example? Topic Yesterday: Tom is fed up that women get all kind of breaks in the work place on account of their children like getting flex time, day care provided and “running around all morning while the rest of the chumps sit at their desks working hard” blah, blah, blah…….Do not invest in family friendly corporations and women have it way too easy.
Women phoning in say: “Well don’t you, ummm…. Think that corporations have a social responsibility …..tooo uhhhhh…do that stuff?”
Tom's response: Corporations have a responsibility to make a profit which they give back to their shareholders. They owe women nothing.
Result: Women look dumb and Tom gets to sit on his king shit of turd mountain throne.
How about, corporations benefit by not paying men enough to support a family on a single income thereby promoting the woman having to go to work and should therefore reciprocate by making this more attainable to couples with children?
How about supporting an educated nation from which they would have a pool of employable workers? Assuming that the formula for determinant of birth rates as discovered in various studies is
Birth Rate = f(population density; education level; per capita income; extent of poverty; unemployment rate; racial composition; family stability)
…it would be safe to assume that the less educated and those who are less likely to have money for an education for their children are more likely to procreate. And then assume (another safe one I think) that those born to this situation are less likely to be educated in the future. With divorce rates climbing in all sections of society, it is a sociological fact that many women will end up single mothers, and without “family friendly” places to work will end up on the poor end of society with children who do not have a good education in store for them, thereby decreasing the total pool of employable workers in the analytical sector of employment. Thus encouraging corporations to support the needs of single women to ensure that the population remains employable.
There’s a fucking coherent argument….and FUCK YOU TOM!
I am not sure that a succint and incisive argument will actually achieve anything here. After all, the forum as you describe it isn't about debate - it's about contrived and tightly controlled exercises in selfaggrandizement and automoronic gratification. It would be poetic and sweet if someone pulled a Jon Stewrat on them but I suspect that your call would be mysteriously dropped at the first signs of any sort of moral or intellectual victory on your part. Crude, dismissive comments would doubtlessly follow.
As for his specific comments, is it even worthwhile to honour them with a discussion here? It is uninformed, inflamatory nonsense no different from any other form of discrimination, based on ignorance, self-righteousness and fear. How can you argue from facts with someone who's position is not based on them? It's like arguing evolution with a creationist.
The really depressing thing is that even if we can stop him from spewing his hateful, ignorant crap on the air, there is no actually curing him of it - he will die believing all the shit he believes, and all we can do is hope he dies soon. ...unless maybe he gets raped in the showers by his woman-hating buddies and is later redeemed by a tough-on-the-outside female prison guard with a heart of gold, played maybe by Queen Latifah or possibly by Rosie O'Donnell.
Yeah...I guess I'm not exactly trying to change the world or any one's views by this post. I'm not sure at all that I even buy those arguments. But it sure does feel good to vent! I love the F word and the hearty joy it brings!
Which arguments do you not buy? The ones you advanced yourself? Maybe we need to reformulate them, or perhaps come up with different ones. If you're going to vent, why half-ass the rage? ;)
Let's take this "women have all these breaks and perks because of children" thing. That's wrong on very many levels and I don't think you're mad about all of them. The whole thing oozes from like fifty years ago and ain't cool.
Women needed the "perks" to begin with because society burdened them with the rearing of children by default and that didn't change when it became okay for them to leave the kitchen go to work. Society's a bit more progressive now and it's common for both parents to take leaves from work and inconvenience themselves to care for the kid(s) if they're together. Even if they're not, joint custody is common and both parents need these additional opportunities to spend time with and take care of their kids. Meanwhile, women are still burdened with children by default in many layers of society and hence they end up needing these "perks" more than men do. This has little to do with the perks being just for women and everything to do with who ends up stuck with the kids and who skips town. It also has little to do with what corporations ought or ought not to do and everything with what the labour/feminist movements won for the peons back in the day and how it is now integrated/accepted in society.
His line of arguing also implies that having a kid is some sort of a holiday away from responsibility, and is being used by sneaky devious women to get a free ride from society. I don't even know what to say about that - he clearly really never thought/cared about what goes into raising a child.
Am I fueling the mansogeny? Is it ironic for a man to do so?
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