Tuanting Tatiana
It is reported that when the two brothers who survived the attack by the tiger at the SF Zoo were searched there were slingshots found on their persons and a bottle of vodka found in their car - empty. Who does that??? Let's get drunk on Christmas day and go shoot innocent animals trapped at the zoo?
Now they are complaining that response was slow and that they were ignored - no doubt setting up a huge lawsuit in the great tradition that is not taking responsibility for your actions. Well, it was Christmas day, and the zoo was probably a bit understaffed - maybe you should have thought about that before taunting a tiger who was previously involved in an attack?
I have to say, that that's what it looks like has happened. And in this case, if it is a duck because it looks and walks like a duck, then I don't feel bad for these guys at all. If you've ever been to the zoo, you've seen the tigers pacing, they are not people-loving kitties. And while it is extreme to say that they got what they deserved, I can honestly say that I imagine they are not the nicest guys in the world at heart, and that this is Darwin trying to weed the weak and dumb. Either way, I don't want them in my gene pool.
Oh, they totally deserved it. But the enclosure should have been more recently than 1960, so there are a lot of people to blame here. Society for allowing zoos, the morons who tauted the live TIGER and the zoo for not responding/updating the exhibit.
Hey, I disagree about society being to blame for having zoos, I love zoos, they are fascinating places that let you see things you couldn't normally see.
And those guys were total douchebags for taunting that gorgeous kitteh.
The same can be said of the colliseum during it's hayday. But I do have a love-hate relationship with the zoo myself...
Except that we aren't, in fact, slaughtering men and beasts for entertainment. Its a far cry from the coliseum to a zoo!
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