chinchilla on the loose

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Shake it, shake it!

Ok, so I think I saw a mob shakedown this morning. I witnessed one so to speak. I'm not feeling well but decided to take bish to the park to be able to chill out and spend the day in bed for the rest of the day.

So I stop at the park, 6 blocks or so away. As I'm getting out of the car I notice the "la familia" recreation center. And believe me, I'm never one to stereotype or judge, haha, but already I'm picturing fat men learning the craft of cutting off pinkies and throwing glitter and macaroni in the bloody stump in my head....and giggling in my head.

Then as I throw the first Frisbee for the bish, a "waste management" truck pulls up. I shit you not. And a 2 large guys get out of it. One guy comes out of the rec center and is all "I swear...I didn't think I had to deal with this til Sunday" or something. It was tough to understand him. I got behind a building at the park so I wouldn't be a witness....a loose end so to speak, and the arguing continued for about 10 minutes - still going on while I was leaving, and there was screaming.

Mind you, if it was give me my pinky back and stop it with the glitter screaming I would have called someone - but I guess it was a pretty harmless shakedown. Whatever that means.

This was at 7:15 - am.


Blogger Inorganik said...

Two mobsters, who are... garbage men, arguing at a park. Sounds like some mafia activity alright.
I think you've been watching too much Sopranos. ;)

10:59 AM  
Blogger chinchilla said...

I have indeed.

11:05 AM  
Blogger chinchilla said...

also, did I mention whenever tony said he was in waste management he had to follow it up with, "no, i'm not in the mafia" and that was on tv. so it must be true. HBO anyway.... ; )

11:24 AM  

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