chinchilla on the loose

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mission : Hydration

The long weekend is gone and as usual I'm spending the beginning of my work week rehydrating. I love water, but I don't like being at work. I'd be perfectly happy I think if the work week was only about 30 hours - that's about how long it really takes me to do my job - maybe even less.

I am now 28 years old and I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up. My birthday came and went and didn't feel like too much of a birthday. I actually got ditched on my birthday by the couple that Gus and I were supposed to be camping with. Who does that? It's not habitual on her part so I already forgive her, but when I got the call cancelling plans it could have been a highway straight to having an awful day. After sulking for an hour and deciding that Gus and I weren't going to go, we invited some people over to bbq all the food that I bought for camping and Balderdashed late into the night. I forgot how great that game is!

For my birthday, I got beautiful long stemmed roses at work, perfume, a small shopping spree, perfume, a great necklace, yummy lotion and soap set, a mix cd........some of my friends are way too good to me.


Blogger Gus said...

baby, I'm so proud of you again for not letting the cancellation bring you down and that we made a GREAT day out of a disappointing situation!!!
I'm soooooo happy that you had a GREAT weekend, I had such a blast with you and love you soooooooooo much!!!!!!!! xoxox :-)

3:35 PM  
Blogger HelloBettyLou said...

I wasn't invited, boohoo.

10:45 PM  

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