
I just learned that it's Cinco, no Cinquo as I've been spelling it all along. I hope everyone had a great one. Mine is fuzzy. It started out at Bettylou's house where I finally met the great parents that I hear so many good things about. Gus and I brought too much food and a heavy pinata - I got to break it in a dizzy haze. Feels good to hit things with baseball bats.
Then we headed over to hang out with my good friend miss Robinson - who I don't spend enough time with these days. I have neglected some friendships becauses Gus is so much fun. We got a little lost on the way and ended up in the heart of cinco de mayo in the city - I think we were the only people not flying Mexcian flags. Then Gus took a bunch of money playing poker.
I know I'm a liar and said I'd have pictures on monday but I don't - so I'm posting some pics of my trip to Puerto Vallarta. I didn't take many more because alcohol, and cameras, and hot tubs don't mix.
Nice to meet you as well. Sorry we couldn't stay and play pinata with you. Bettylou said it was full of office supplies ,candy and my favorite...condoms. Will have to remember that at the next 5 year old party I go to. You and Gus are cute together. He's got eyes for you. Should I put the full court mother press him about the future and what it should hold?
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