Jobs That Suck More Than Mine
1. Peep booth mopper
2. Port o Potty cleaner
3. Paris Hilton's assistant
4. Abattoir keeper
5. Parking ticket writer
6. ProTabacco lobbying
7. Telemarketing
8. Funeral/mortuary/taxidermy
9. Auditor
10. Madonna's nanny
things could be much worse....
Numbers 6, 8 and 9 may carry considerable benefits, both officially and less so. For instance, for #8, you could have a lucrative business in second-hand underwear, because really, who's gonna check if it's missing?
Here's my list, in no particular order, of things that might be worse than what you're doing... we'll see what number I get to.
1. Fluffer
2. Honey wagon operator (inspired by your 2)
3. Donald Trump's assistant
4. Peon at a shoe/garment factory
5. Subsistence farmer in India
6. White House Press Secretary
7. Roofer
8. Coal miner (especially in China, but also in general)
9. The guy the Vice President gets to shoot in the face
I don't get #2?
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