chinchilla on the loose

Monday, March 31, 2008


I'm not sure what it is about Mondays that puts me in a negative state of mind. Scratch that - yes I do. And it seems every Monday I have to remind myself and convince myself that life is good and clear my brain so that I can fall asleep at night, without the aid of cocktails or a frying pan to the head.

Today I'm a bit more negative than normal. I'm worried about the economy and the fact that I don't have a safety net. Prices keep climbing but my salary isn't increasing. I'm worried about countries that don't care for civil rights and that we're not doing anything to pressure them otherwise. I'm worried that as a society we're headed toward a time where technology replaces relationships and human to human communication - and ironically I'm blogging about it. Great.

I really love Gus. He's always positive and is a constant source of good energy. I don't know how he does it.


Blogger Gus said...

awwwww baby!!! I really love you too!!! I've just had it instilled in me to always look at the positive side of things :-)

10:00 AM  
Blogger HelloBettyLou said...

Don't worry, everything always seems to work out

12:07 PM  

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