Back in the Cube
As I might have mentioned before…I love traveling. I just got back from a week in Puerto Vallarta and now all I have left is fond memories and the promise of traveling more and in general taking more time to smell the flowers in life. I’m not sure if the salsa and alcohol has cleared my body yet, but the tan still remains.
PV is a cool town, lots of interesting sculptures and beautiful views. It’s a big city with a back drop of mountains and jungle, and unlike some of the other places I’ve been to, the jungle didn’t get ravaged by the storms of last year. We took a zip line tour through the jungle which was awesome and on the setting of where Predator was filmed. I didn’t see Predator, but then again, I wouldn’t right? I’m scared of heights so it was pretty intense.
Most days were just full of food, drink, and beach volleyball. I could definitely get used to that.
I started reading Valley of the Dolls again while on vacation. Great poolside reading by the way.
Yesterday should have been relaxing but I had a little too much at the wet bar the morning of the flight back and had a tough time dealing with the airport. Then there was a “must go to” dinner with my family which was stressful because they’ve never done that before and the logistics of cars and picking up my dog were irreconcilable. On the way to my rent’s house we t-boned a car that was making a left turn on our green light….idiots. And even after all that Gus picked up my dog and brought him all the way back to the burbs and hung out with my crazy family before he drove us all the way back downtown. I don’t know how to make it up to him. I don’t know how to make anything up to him – he’s so helpful and giving.
Now I’m back in the cube with no windows.
baby, you don't have to make anything up to me at all, thank you sooooo much for putting up with my crazy family during our trip. I had such a GREAT time with you!!!!
Ha ha! No one was crazy and the drinks were free so it's all gravy!
Thanks for inviting me! Where are we going next???!!!!!
hmmmm......that's a tough one to choose, we'll have Palm Springs & SF but I really want to make Australia happen, or Europe :-)
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